The A Team Wears Everyman

The Everyman Suits have long stalled as the bespoke house’s bread and butter business, and are now proudly presented to you as a part of our CORE ready-to-wear collection. Whether you're searching for a formal suit or a pair of everyday trousers, this is our fabric handbook for you. Especially in bustling hubs like Hong Kong, London and New York, where financial and legal services dominate, these suits have become indispensable, almost essential. Every Anthologist who walks into our design showrooms or any of our discreet trunk show locations must have been invariably preached by one of the Anthology keepers (us) about the exceptional greatness of this tropical wool. Through the abyss of two to four-ply yarned high-twisted, tropical foundations of wool cloth, this ideal 10oz boasts the ideal weight, colour, texture, and above all, reliability.

When we consider uniforms, we envision our iconic palette of honey, oatmeal, brown, and sage. Yet, over time, even our most seasoned team members, along with new Anthologists, often return to basics as they navigate their style journey.


The Starter Pack: A Foundation for Style

Beginning with these foundational pieces, one gradually masters the art of tailored clothing. The 'Starter Pack' plays a crucial role in this learning curve. We fondly recall the days when our wardrobes were incomplete, cherishing each piece and creating numerous combinations from a limited selection. Often, a navy suit jacket served as the cornerstone, complemented by essential grey trousers as our style evolved.

Every new team member experiences this phase, using it as a training period to explore and define their personal style before advancing. As the wise saying goes, "one must learn the rules before breaking them."


Elevating Classic Styles: Expressing Individuality

Incorporating unique pieces is an effortless way to elevate classic styles and express individuality. This is where rule-breaking begins. Traditionally, grey suits are formal, paired with a dress shirt and tie. While point-collared shirtings serve this need, the next stage of dressing is driven by desire—finding pieces that spark joy. This could be a special piece of jewellery or a simple top or accessory.

Jason, for instance, who is at the start of his journey. His seersucker shirts reflect his joyful and spirited personality, shaped by his background as a national dancer. Dressing for the showroom is just one aspect of his life; he seeks attire that bridges his dual professions. A denim blue seersucker shirt paired with a fun baseball cap expresses his individuality, distinct from the styles of Daniel or Robert. It's not merely about achieving a great look but finding creative freedom that is contextually appropriate.


The two cotton/linen shirts are the latest additions to the shirting collection. Perfect for the warmer season, they are versatile enough to be worn both on holidays and in the workplace. Ideal as resort wear for holiday destinations and beachside cocktails, these casual shirts can also elevate your style when paired with a sports jacket or even a suit for professional settings — a prime example of outshining the usual Everyman blue and white shirts and being a subtle statement at a sweet spot.


The Essential Travel Companion: Grey Trousers for Every Journey

When packing for a short trip, a pair of grey trousers is essential. As Anthologists, travel is integral to our lives. Edward from the team showcases his packing strategy by including a grey suit and multiple jackets, depending on the journey's length and his mood. While experts recommend rotating trousers to prevent wear, the twisted tropical wool fabric helps mitigate this issue. For a short trip, one pair may suffice, with aftercare addressed upon return.


The Everyman Collection: A Respectable Beginning

It is true that some people's style reaches a plateau due to a lack of desire for change. Not everyone is destined to be stylish, nor does everyone need to be. However, a respectable dresser should always aim to look polished and appropriate. The Everyman Collection is the ideal starting point for this journey. Although we humorously refer to it as the 'Starter Pack' at times, it genuinely serves as an introduction for our new team members. Whether through hand-me-downs or a first custom experience, acquiring a piece or two from this collection is almost a rite of passage into the world of tailoring in our eyes.