Five Years, Five Missions

Today's a sentimental day for all of us at The Anthology. Reaching the five-year mark feels a little daunting but ultimately very exciting. Over the past bisected decade, despite the challenges posed by the unprecedented global pandemic, we managed, and we managed to carry off something great out of it. Five years, with five missions — we are proud and thankful to have made such achievements, and we will continue to abide by these values:

1. Find relevance in classic tailoring and menswear, to continue pursuing our ongoing commitment to bridge the gap between the new and the old.

2. Be a trusted voice for tailoring and the gatekeeper of fine craft.

3. Design and create enticing clothing for the multifaceted personas and scenarios, with form following function as always.

4. Create an overarching range of artefacts that is more than just formal tailoring, but also a realm of cohesive clothing to create this 'world' of The Anthology, our world.

5. Expand this treasurable coterie with these individuals, who we proudly call 'Anthologists', our most beloved community of aesthetes who appreciate the finer things in life.

On the same day two years ago, we mentioned the world of The Anthology started to form, from fragments into a brief framework. Two years after, we are taking steps forward, sculpting our world, a place where our curation and creation of fine artefacts start coming into shape. To be able to achieve this, there is no other to thank but you, our fellow Anthologists, the community that has offered us your unconditional love, time and opportunity through various forms of patronage.

Salute to the bygone demi-decade. Here's to the next five years and beyond!

To celebrate this triumph moment, please also enjoy the following series specially created for this occasion:

View the 5th Anniversary Lookbook

View the CORE Collection

View Iconic Shirtings

Shop the 5th Anniversary Collection


An ode to all our #Anthologists.

With gratitude & love,

Andy, Buzz and the entire The Anthology team